Summit Metro Parks We're Your Back Yard
Free the Falls


Project Overview

In a project of national significance, Summit Metro Parks and a large coalition of community partners are working together to remove the dam on the Cuyahoga River in Gorge Metro Park. Built more than 100 years ago, the Gorge Dam is no longer serving any useful purpose. In fact, today it is the largest remaining water quality impediment on the Cuyahoga River. Dam removal is necessary to improve wildlife habitat and address contaminated sediment within the river. It will also create recreational opportunities and drive economic development.

Check current park and trail closures related to the project.


Listen to the new Free the Falls podcast, available now!

Apple podcasts Spotify podcasts


Community Involvement



Long-Term Benefits

Short-Term Disruption

Process & Schedule

Sediment Remediation

Protecting Cultural Resources

Project Library

Community Partners

This project would not be possible without the collaboration of these community partners

